LG has so far announced two Android Wear smartwatches in the form of the LG G Watch and G Watch R, and FCC documents suggest that the company may be working on a third option. This latest watch undergoing regulatory approval may not even require a smartphone to operate as it may come with its own built-in 3G CDMA radio. If this is accurate, LG's newest smartwatch endeavor would pit it against the Tizen-based Gear S from rival Samsung.
At this point, there's not a lot known about LG's third smartwatch endeavors.
It's unclear if the device will run Google's Android Wear platform or another platform. What we do know is that the devices description in LG's filing with the FCC lists the smartwatch as "Smartwatch + CDMA." If this is accurate, it could be compatible with Verizon's and Sprint's CDMA networks in the U.S.
The shape of the watch is also different as depicted on a render filed with the FCC, with an outline showing that it will be an elongated rectangle with rounded corners.
Be sure to also check out our hands-on with the Samsung Gear S for for details on Samsung's standalone smartwatch.