Recently, when facebook launched its new messenger app and asked users to sign up, people went on a criticising mode. While some asked the need for a separate messenger app when the official Facebook app could suffice, others said that the new app would access information, photos and even fire up camera to spy.
But, Facebook came out with a written clarification refuting rumours and explaining the actual reason for introducing the application.
Written by Peter Martinazzi from the messenger team, the post explains the need for a separate application. And, that is, to save time when reverting to messages swiftly. "We're committed to providing a fast, reliable and fun messaging app that anyone in the world can use to reach the people who matter to them. That's why we're focusing just on Messenger and moving messages out of the Facebook app. People usually respond about 20% faster when they have Messenger, and we think they'll find both apps useful in different ways. We hope you'll try out Messenger and enjoy everything else you can do with the app, like chatting with groups and sending stickers," writes Peter.
"Like most other apps, we request permission to run certain features, such as making calls and sending photos, videos or voice messages. If you want to send a selfie to a friend, the app needs permission to turn on your phone's camera and capture that photo. We don't turn on your camera or microphone when you aren't using the app," reads the post about using your phone's camera and microphone.